Thursday, December 17, 2009
my 2 night-shifts are finally over!!! worked on both tues and wed feels weird to go to work just as people are going home, and to leave for home just as people are coming to work!! lolx
you may ask what we do at night? hmm for e 1st night...Fey, Xiwen, Elizabeth, Song and i watched "Battlestar Galactica" series from 10.30pm to 6.30am. we're not supposed to sleep during work, but we were too tired and fell asleep while watching e show at around 5+am!! we even used our 45mins breaks to take naps in e aircon room! and, thanks Pierson for buying mac supper for us!!! for e 2nd night, Xavier brought Masrin, Lawrence and i to site. we had a night site-walk and then stayed in e BSG lead-room to read e BSG manual for e rest of e night! at about 1.30am, we went up to e peak of e coaster to have a short break! i simply love standing up sun, just e cold breeze and e night scenery of e park!!
my manager told us that
soft opening of e themepark will be on
7th jan,
family day on
10th jan and
official opening in
late jan!! that means...we only have 3weeks to complete all trainings, clean up and tidy e whole attraction, to be fully trained with controls, to finish all tests so that it's ready for people to ride!!! yes, and all we have is just 3weeks!!!! it's bound to be a hectic and tiring way of celebrating christmas and new year this year!! haha
i don't want to be someone who starts losing her friends once she starts working. i'm really afraid that this will happen, especially towards some friends who were previously very close but now, we hardly meet up or even talk on msn. i didn't even know that 1 friend is back from Melbourne (i rmb he said he'll come back in dec but not sure when) until i saw another friend's blog!! this's how out-dated i am. please, i really hope we can find a time on my off-day to have a meal and catch up with each other. i'm missing you guys alot.... =(
*off to bed now!!!*
what we could have been, 11:14 AM.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
i'm so lazy to blog even on my off-days. like what many people say, off-days are for us to catch up on the sleep that we lack, and to catch up on the shows that we haven't got time to watch. haha
anyway had a BSG gathering on 29th nov (last sun). BSG stands for battlestar galactica, the duelling coaster in Universal Studios Singapore. i've been helping with the testing of the coaster, and my manager wants us to gel with the part-timers (who are fixed to the attraction but full-timers still don't know where we'll be fixed at), so we had dinner at Lau Pa Sat. more than half of us worked that day. not just the crew, my team manager and area manager also came for the gathering. when we reached, there were already alot of food on the table but the main highlight was SATAY!!!!! lol fyi, 22 of us ate 350sticks of satay!!!

we had much fun and laughter tonight. a pity some full-timers will be leaving us. the posting for our home attraction came out yesterday night and a few of them have been posted to other attractions. but i'm still fixed at e coaster attraction!! when the park opens, go take the duelling coasters if you want to find me at work!! don't worry, i'll ensure that your restraints are tight and secured!! lol anyway i'm looking forward to the next BSG gathering...where it'll be a fixed team of FT as well as many more PT!!! =)
*Jianqi, take good care of yourself while in China. see you soon~*
what we could have been, 11:43 PM.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
2weeks+ since i last blogged!! i always tell myself on every off-day that i want to blog...but i end up being so lazy to do so!! i'm going out to e site more often than previously...almost everyday now!! and yes...i've became more tanned!!!
went to Night Safari with Sexists on 24th oct...i was feeling ok initially! but i started to feel scared as i got near e place!! i don't really understand why people are spending $22 just to scare themselves while taking a walk in e forest or a ride in e trams!! haha luckily our tix were free (credits to Yvonne)...if not i would have backed up immediately! haha

i worked e next day (yes on a sunday!)...and i don't know for what reason, 1 friend brought her cam so we took many photos! in case you're wondering what we do in office on sundays...we watched Madagascar 1&2 for e 1st week, watched Final Destination 1, 2&3 e week after, were allowed to go out and get KFC for lunch on e 3rd week, and bascially just slacked our way through with games and stuff for e 4th one!! haha slack huh? many people are saying...seems as though we're paid to watch movies on sundays! lolx oh btw, e 2 group pics below are not full-strength!! my batch has 42 of us but only 20+ worked on that day!!

went for sushi with 3 of my colleagues after work on 30th oct...a pity 5-6 people from my usual group couldn't turn up. *never mind...i'll try and organise another dinner together soon!!*

i have this thought recently (i was bored at work so i was thinking about alot of stuff)....i kind of miss hanging out with Clarence and Regina!! it seems real long since i last saw them...and i wonder how they've been these months. not forgetting Grace in Dubai, Mel in Canada and Yisheng in Melbourne. i hang out with my colleagues, Sexists, Patty, Danile and Bertram, Alvin and Jianqi once in a while...but not them!! =(
my colleagues and i thought of this...when we're at work, we'll count down to our next off-day. every week, we'll count down to our next pay-day. and e cycle goes on. haha from next week onwards, my schedule's gonna change to a single shift from 7.30am to 9pm. but instead of our usual 5days work week, we'll be having 4days of work and 3days of rest. i don't know if it's a good or bad thing. well, both have pros and cons!! let's see how we can get through...
what we could have been, 12:13 AM.
2weeks ever since i started work. so far so good. some days, we got to go to e themepark construction site to be part-time security guard. if not, we'll stay in e site office and gossip amongst e people in my batch or play games. haha some of my colleagues said i've became darker as compared to e 1st time they saw me. tell me who won't get tanned after standing under e sun for a few hours? lol
worked for 7days straight and i'm finally getting my long-awaited off days for today and tomorrow!! sad to say, i've got a super bad cough and itchy sorethroat now!! not just me, a few other friends got it too. i suppose it's from all e dust from e site...e worst is drinking water doesn't help much!! =(
soft opening of e themepark is 60+ days away!! and i heard that we're allowed to bring our families and friends to try out e rides during e soft opening!! haha my sis already booked e 1st place...i don't know if it's true and i'm also not sure how many people we're allowed to bring...but who's interested?? first come first serve!!!! lolx
what we could have been, 1:09 PM.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
started working on 7th oct. attended a 2days corporate induction programme at RWS (resorts world at sentosa) training centre at jurong east. together with a group of 57 people, we had much fun and laughter during the programme although it was a first-time meeting for most of us!! people from all walks of life, different ages, different races, from different countries...
in this programme, we learnt about RWS, safety, interaction with guests and most importantly, working as a team!!! we played a few team-bonding games these 2days....the last game we played this afternoon was the most challenging. despite failing many times, we never gave up and continued till we succeeded. and because of our many failed attempts previously, success tasted especially sweet at the end!!
starting from tomorrow, we'll be training at RWS in sentosa itself. *yes! no more long journeys to jurong east. haha* although the next few months will not be easy, but i'm sure this's gonna be an experience which i'll never ever forget!! and with this batch of friends whom i'm trained with, i can foresee hell loads of fun during training and at work!!
what we could have been, 11:04 PM.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
i'm officially an attractions crew of Universal Studios Singapore!!!
went to sign the contract just now, and i'm so looking forward to the start of my job!! haha
i've been to a few themeparks in japan and korea, and it was then that i wish to work in a themepark. *fun environment, interaction with people etc.* it's not some big dream, but i'm still glad that my wish came true.
the pay isn't high (at least compared to e pay given to me by marina bay casino), but i know for sure that i'll love it.
Universal Studios, here i come!!!! =))
what we could have been, 6:38 PM.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
went out with Patty, Danile, Bertram and Benjamin in the evening to celebrate Patty's birthday. i found this western restaurant in CHIJMES from a website and we decided to try it out (since it had high reviews and e atmosphere was nice). i must say, the baby back pork ribs which i ordered were really delicious!! got her a hello kitty cake, as requested by birthday girl. haha after a filling dinner, we walked to esplanade and we gossiped alot about those times (which were like just 5months back). lol

i'm sure that after tonight, there's bond to be some problems arising again. let's see what changes will take place....
my cousin-in-law gave birth to a baby girl on thursday (17th sept), named Anne-Marie. with 3 kids currently, they still want to go for a 4th one!! haha as of today, i have 5 nephews and 3 nieces (and more to come). *i feel so old!!!!*
going to my uncle's housewarming party tonight. the house which my uncle rebuilt used to be the house that my mum and her siblings stayed in when they were young. it's situated in s'goon gardens. i guess it's gonna be a mixture of feelings when they step in. same plot of land, same people (except 1 uncle who has passed away) but everything has changed. how nice will it be to reminisce about their childhood days in that new house......
what we could have been, 12:53 AM.